Routine Reset

daily routine

This week I’m pressing the reset button!  Do you ever feel like you just need to start fresh with something in your life and reset? I’ve been feeling this way lately in terms of my daily routines... I started a new job, I’m working on new things, suddenly it was Fall, and at some point I started to slowly get off track.  So after re-evaluating what once were my “routines”, I decided it’s time to press the reset button.  

Having morning and evening routines is sooo important! They help you prioritize your well-being and promote healthy habits that are good for your mind and body.  When we fall out of routines, we put things on the back burner and unfortunately a lot of these things are what help us feel our best.  So when you notice yourself feeling a bit stressed, tired, or unfocused… it’s time to step back and take look at what’s going on.  What’s out of sorts? What are you missing? When did you feel your best? What were you doing?  Most of the time we have very clear answers to these questions and just simply taking some time to reflect is really all we need!  Come up with a plan and then put it into action!

For me there’s a few key things that are important to my daily routines that I need to be more consistent with. To be totally honest, I’ve been slacking a bit and I’ve been noticing how it’s affecting me… particularly my energy and mood. I know by doing a few simple things, I’ll be back into a routine and have a fresh outlook and renewed energy.

Why have a a morning routine? It gets you ready for your day… taking some time to be with yourself and do something for yourself  in the morning helps you to align before getting caught up in your daily activities.  This will help you be less stressed, more present, focused and ready for the day ahead, allowing you to set priorities and make the right choices.  When building a morning routine, think about what energizes you and will put you in the best mindset to start your day with.  Consider adding some of these things into your morning routine; movement/ exercise, a healthy breakfast, hydration, coffee or tea, meditation, journaling, positive affirmations, intention setting, and forming a to-do list. 

Just as important is your evening routine… and what I personally need to work the most on! This can really help with getting a restful, restorative, and deep sleep. Unwinding from the busyness of your day, with a few simple steps will help your body relax and prepare for sleep.  These are some helpful ideas; setting a bed-time, disconnecting from phone/ electronics at least 30 minutes before bed-time, dimming the lights prior to bed, reading or journaling, gratitude, listening to sleep meditations or healing sounds, herbal teas after dinner, stretching, and lavender essential oil.  I’ll be coming back to all of these things this week! 

As things in your life change, like work, relationships, environment, health conditions, etc, you may want to re-evaluate your routines and tweak them to best meet your needs.

Routines are a form of self-care and they should be simple!  Don’t over complicate things, otherwise they will be hard to stick to…. Consistency is key and remember it’s a way to prioritize your well-being and feel good (sometimes we need to remind ourselves)! The mind body connection is extremely powerful, so incorporating habits that support your mental and emotional health will also support your physical health and vise versa. Create routines that makes you feel your BEST!


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