5 Tips to Get in More Movement

Movement… one of the most important things we can do for our bodies and our minds!  Whether it’s 15 minutes or an hour, making time for it is so essential to our well-being.  

Getting in enough exercise is a common struggle for most people.  I’ve been there.  There’s been times when it’s literally been the last thing that I wanted to do, maybe I was tired and had a super busy week.  I would put it on the back burner… and man, would I really suffer!  I would feel less like myself and even more stressed and physically drained.  At times like these we can benefit from exercise the most, which is one of the reasons why it’s important to keep it a consistent part of your routine.  

One of the keys to doing this for me, was changing my relationship with exercise.  Over the past few years, I’ve learned to take a different approach to exercise and movement.  I went from being a runner and doing lot’s of high intensity classes (some of which I absolutely dreaded) to taking a more intuitive approach.  I used to think that if I wasn’t out of breath and sweating I wasn’t doing enough… and if I missed a workout I’d get upset with myself.  When I released those beliefs and focused on what really felt good for me, my body and my mind changed.  What do I mean by intuitive approach to exercise?  Simple… I do what feels right and what I enjoy.  Right now for me I feel my best doing lower impact workouts, like pilates, barre, and yoga.  When I’m craving some cardio, I’ll go for a run or take a cycling class… and sometimes I’ll just get in more walking rather than planning a specific workout.  Honestly, this way of listening to my body has made me feel stronger than ever.  

I understand sometimes it’s difficult to prioritize yourself… but I promise that if you start with something simple like getting in more exercise, you’ll start to see a shift mentally and physically.  

I’ve rounded up 5 EASY TIPS to help you incorporate more exercise into your routine. 

  1. Find exercise you like and that works for YOU.  #1 for a reason- who wants to do something they don’t like?!  The best kind of exercise is the one that you will actually do and enjoy.  It’s way easier to create a habit that sticks when you feel confident and excited to do it.  If it’s something you dread, it’s easy to say; ‘I don’t have time’ or ‘I’m not in the mood’.  We make time for things we like, so I encourage others to find exercise they can look forward to  and makes them feel good.  Some people may benefit from more intense exercises, while others may prefer more gentle forms of movement.   Experiment and don’t be afraid to try something new! 

  2. Schedule your workouts ahead of time. This way you already have time carved out in your schedule. It also takes the thought process out of deciding what to do and when.  This one is major… honestly works like a charm.  We’re all busy, but we need to prioritize what’s important to us and our well-being should certainly be!  Schedule a class, put it in your calendar, set an alarm…whatever you need to do!

  3. 15 minutes is better than no minutes!  If you can’t get in a longer work out, you’ll still reap the benefits even after a shorter one.  Studies show that even short bursts of exercise will produce feel good effects and improve your overall quality of life.  Walking counts, whatever you can get in!

  4. Set goals- if you have specific fitness goals or personal goals write them down, it makes them more real and it gives you a reason- your WHY, which will motivate you.  Setting goals will also help you to figure out what types of workouts to do.  Do you want to build a stronger core, increase flexibility, lose weight, or simply just be healthier?  I recommend keeping a journal to write down your goals, form action steps, and track progress.  

  5. Find a workout buddy or friend that can hold you accountable.  We’re influenced by our surroundings and the people in our lives, so if we surround ourselves with people that have healthy habits, we will too. Plan to go to a workout class with a friend or start a monthly challenge with a group… or if you’re my client or friend you can text me about your work outs!

I love to use these with clients and I constantly remind myself of them too!  I’m sharing these tips because they work and can totally change your mindset around the word exercise!

REMINDER: For the days it just doesn’t happen for you, don’t beat yourself up for missing a day!  It can create unnecessary stress around the idea of working out, which is not motivating.  You always have the chance to start fresh, so wake up the next day and make choices that will make you feel good!

I could list many reasons why we should all incorporate movement into our daily routines… instead I’m going to share why I do.

Exercise makes me feel my best- energized, focused and confident, which is why I like to do it in the morning- it helps me start my day in the best way!  It’s great for managing stress and anxiety, and I find it to be an extremely useful tool for when I need to clear my mind and gain focus.  It keeps my body strong and functioning well; supporting a healthy heart, metabolism and digestion. 

Ali Fiorella Tips to Get in More Movement

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