How to Protect Your Inner Peace

Inner Peace

Inner peace… What is it?

I define it as- ‘a state of full body peace and awareness within oneself, that allows the mind, body, and spirit to remain in a peaceful state regardless of what is happening around us’.

“Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace” - Dalai Lama

Inner peace is an underrated aspect of living a healthy & happy life… and a more peaceful world.  So often it is disrupted by what’s happening around us and it can become difficult to maintain.

Cultivating and protecting our inner peace is something we’re never really taught until we seek it and teach ourselves, out of desire to protect our own energy and live in a peaceful state of mind.  We’re told from the day we are born how to do things, what to believe in, what’s right and wrong, how to feel, who to love and how.  Unfortunately these conditionings that society has taught us don’t always align with what’s inside and some people spend a lifetime battling their own peace because of this. 

We’re also told that being busy is good, but most of us are busy to a fault, leaving little time for proper rest, self-care, and inward reflection. There’s so much noise and media continuously feeding our brains with new and conflicting ideas and opinions.  While it’s important to stay informed with what’s happening in the world, this constant flow of information can easily upset and disturb us.  It can be difficult to quiet the mind and focus on the present moment in order to tune in with ourselves and live in peace.  When there is a disruption of our peace, whether it’s a worldly matter, a personal conflict, a mild annoyance, or a noise outside our window, it’s important to come back to things that will keep us from spiraling into a negative state of mind and inner conflict… because these things will only continue to create and spread disruption.

So how can we nurture and protect our inner peace?!  It exists deep inside each and every one of us, but we must cultivate it ourselves and protect it by reflecting inward.  When we come from a place of peace we can respond rather than react to what’s going on around us…  While we might not be able to control the actions of others and what happens around us, we can control our own thoughts & actions to create a sense of peace that flows out of us and emanates onto others.  What the world desperately needs more of right now.

Here are some ways you can nurture and protect that inner peace that lies deep inside you…

  1. Set boundaries & say no - Sometimes it’s necessary to draw that line with others or yourself, do this from a place of love and release any of the guilt that comes with it.  Boundaries are healthy and so is saying no.  Learn to say no to the things that don’t align with your core values and set the boundaries that you need to protect your energy.

  2. Let go of what no longer serves you - It might be a person, a habit, or a thought.  As we go through different seasons of life, we’ll grow & shed parts of ourselves, and that’s OK.  We don’t need to hang onto everything just because it once worked for us or served a purpose.  Let go of the things and ideas that no longer feel right, it will create space for what is right and you’ll feel more at peace.  

  3. Allow yourself to form your own beliefs and opinions - It’s important to educate yourself and listen to what others have to say, but forming your own beliefs and opinions is just as important.  We don’t need to believe everything we hear or read,  we can consider these things objectively, while still forming our own thoughts and conclusions.  Respect the beliefs and opinions of others, while also respecting your own.

  4. Trust your intuition - You know that instinctual feeling you get about something or someone… without all the logic and reasoning, that’s your intuition… your inner knowing.  Learn to trust this feeling to align with your truth and your most authentic self.  Our intuition allows us to make conscious choices rather than decisions based on fear.  You are the only one that knows what YOU need, so tap into your intuition.

  5. Do things that bring you joy - Keep doing what is aligned with your core values and brings a smile to your face.  Try to incorporate something daily for a more positive and peaceful mindset.  Even in times of upset, there’s usually something that can bring a smile to your face.  Maybe that’s an act of service to help others or a simple task to help a friend.  When in doubt, think of 3 things you’re grateful for.

  6. Free yourself from fear of judgment - Most of us care way too much about what others think of us.  Stop the constant comparison and fear of what others will think.  No one is perfect, in fact our imperfections and uniqueness are what make us who we are… and we don’t need approval from everyone.  You’re only responsible for your own thoughts and actions, not those of others.  We can’t make everyone happy and make ourselves happy too, so stop trying!

  7. Be with yourself & your thoughts - Don’t be afraid to spend time alone and allow for some quiet time with yourself, this is when we can really connect with our inner self and our thoughts.  Meditation, journaling, and breathing are all great things to do to connect with yourself on a deeper level.  Allow yourself to feel your emotions, so you can process and move forward.

  8. Practice conscious communication and expression - Conscious communication  is key, being able to communicate and express yourself in a positive and effective way will create more peace within you and for those around you.  Use thoughtful words, body language, tone, speak your mind in a considerate way, do your best to express yourself positively.

  9. Feel and spread love- We need to feel and embody love in order to create more of it.  This may sound super simple, but we could all do a little more of this!  When you are having a rough time or you’re upset about things you cannot control, do a self-love or a loving kindness meditation to create and embody that feeling and send it out to others.  The world needs more love! Spread that ripple effect!

These are tools that we can all utilize to unlock and protect our own peace.  

“We are the very source of peace we hope to see in the world.  It starts within our beating hearts and emanates out from there.” - Davidji

I highly recommend doing some meditation if you’re struggling right now.  The ‘Journey towards Peace’ meditation from Davidji is an excellent guided practice.

Journey Towards Peace - Guided Meditation

This isn’t a typical post for me, and I was a bit hesitant to share… but one of my goals here is to be a bit more vulnerable and share more things on this platform that I truly believe will help others (outside of nutrition tips & recipes).  Holistic nourishment encompasses so much more than the food on our plate! So here I am, sharing what I felt inspired to share.  Even if this isn’t something you want to work on right now, we all need to at some point… and I hope this helps!  Sending out all the metta to everyone.

~ Namaste ~


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