10 Simple Ways to Improve Your Diet

10 Simple Ways to Improve Your Diet, nutritious eating

Trying to eat healthier, but don’t know where to start?! There’s lots of info out there and more diets than anyone can keep track of!  How do we know what’s right for us? I can tell you one thing that’s certain….we are all bio-individual, meaning that we all have different and unique needs and there is no one diet that will work for us all.  

These are some simple ways to improve your diet without actually going on a ‘diet’.  Diets can be extremely restrictive and they are often hard to stick to.  By following some basic principles you can make improvements in your overall health and the way you feel both physically and mentally.  Food is medicine, a tool, and information for our body and mind.  We can use it for disease prevention, healing, and to keep our bodies and brains growing and healthy.

I want to emphasize that it’s important to focus on the foods you can eat to promote your health, instead of fixating on crazy restrictions.   Naturally when you eat more healthy foods, you’ll eat less of the unhealthy ones. The goal shouldn’t be to strive for perfection, but to find a balanced way of eating that supports your well-being, while still allowing yourself to enjoy your favorite foods.  I do mention some things to avoid, these are things you should aim to eat less of. It’s OK to eat them sometimes, but the majority of the time it’s important to eat foods that are nutritious and make you feel good!


  1. EAT REAL WHOLE FOODS - Straight from the source! A great way to do this is by preparing your own meals. Leafy greens, fruits, veggies, fish, meat, nuts, seeds, whole grains! Variety is key to making sure your body is getting the nourishment it needs!

  2. INCREASE COLORFUL FRUITS & VEGGIES - Eat the rainbow! Again variety is key, each color of food represents different healing benefits that come from high levels of phytonutrients and antioxidants. Red peppers, spinach, carrots, oranges, beets, blueberries, broccoli, garlic… get all those colors in!

  3. INCORPORATE HEALTHY FATS - My favorites are avocado, salmon, walnuts, flax seeds, and healthy unrefined oils like EVOO & avocado oil. Healthy unsaturated fats can raise good cholesterol and lower the bad!

  4. EAT GOOD QUALITY, CLEAN PROTEIN - Aim for wild caught fish, grass-fed beef, and plant-based options like, beans, organic non GMO tofu or tempeh. Quality over quantity! Experiment and find what works for you!

  5. ADD SPICES & HERBS - Not only do they give amazing flavor to dishes, but they all have unique nutritional benefits and healing properties! Try ground turmeric, which is anti-inflammatory… or fresh herbs like parsley, which is rich in vitamins and minerals!

  6. EAT ORGANIC AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE - Reducing your intake of fruits and veggies grown with pesticides and chemicals is better for your body and the environment. Look at the ‘Dirty Dozen’ list to prioritize which foods you should buy organic. These are the foods grown with the most pesticides.

  7. INCLUDE PROBIOTICS & PREBIOTICS - For a healthy gut microbiome, this is key! While supplementation is great, you can also eat probiotic rich foods like yogurt, fermented vegetables, and tempeh, as well as prebiotic fiber sources like Jerusalem artichokes, lentils, and onions to support your gut! If you are seeking supplementation it should be one with multiple strains backed by clinical studies. I recommend the Seed synbiotic, which is a combo of probiotics & prebiotics. It contains 24 broad spectrum strains (linked below).

  8. DRINK LOTS OF WATER - You should drink roughly half your body weight in ounces of water daily, more if you are very active or live in a hot climate! Most people don’t drink enough water! Fruits & Veggies can hydrate us as well. Hydration is key to feeling our best!

  9. AVOID REFINED CARBS & SUGARS - Think of anything white as refined, they are basically stripped of nutrients. Opt for whole wheat or whole grain instead, and other nutritious grains like black rice, quinoa, and farro. Use natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, and dates.

  10. AVOID PROCESSED FOODS - Processed foods are also low on the nutritional scale. There’s lots of harmful additives, chemicals, and unhealthy ingredients that are found in them, which can all lead to an array of serious health issues.

If you struggle with finding or maintaining a healthy way of eating that works for you, seek support.  While all of these things may seem relatively simple, they can be difficult to implement on your own. As a health coach part of my focus is helping clients to find a healthy and sustainable way of eating.  If you’d like some support in improving your diet and building a healthier lifestyle, message me to set up a free consultation (no strings attached).

So much can be prevented, treated, and achieved through a healthy diet… but I also want to acknowledge that our health is affected by so much more than what we eat.  I believe in taking a holistic approach to health, and I focus on many different lifestyle aspects with clients in order to support them in improving their well-being.  

When you are open-minded and release the idea of perfection and restrictive dieting you’ll be able to find an enjoyable way of eating that works for you!


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